Listed below are seven essential strategies for you and your child as you ease out of summer and into the new school year:
1-Establish a good end-of-day routine with a fixed bedtime.
We’ve all enjoyed the longer hours of daylight and later bedtimes, but soon your child is going to need to be up and running very early in the morning in order to get ready for school, catch the bus, and get to school on time. Experts tell us that school-aged children need roughly 9-11 hours of sleep, and teens need a good 8 hours. How much a child sleeps can have a significant impact on development, temperament, behavior, alertness, memory and attention. So what can a parent do to ensure their child sleeps well at night?

*Stick to a routine. Set a fixed time and develop a routine that works for both you and your child. Taking a bath, getting into PJ’s, brushing teeth, reading a book, whatever it is you set up for your family, be sure to remain consistent.
*Limit the electronics. That means no computers, phones, gaming systems or TV during the hour leading up to bedtime. The stimulation from these devices, as well as the bright light they emit, can interfere with healthy sleep patterns.
*Set up your child’s bedroom for comfortable sleeping. Make sure it remains at a good temperature (not too hot, too cold, or too stuffy) and make sure it’s not too bright. A good, dim nightlight is fine for safety and emotional comfort, but nothing too bright.
*Spend some extra time with each of your children individually. Extra mom and dad-time is a comfort and everyone enjoys those special moments together.
*Cut out the caffeine and be aware of the sneaky stimulants lurking in chocolate and bottled drinks. When snacking before bedtime, choose fruit over sugary treats.
2 – Get your child’s mind active and ready for learning.
Hopefully you’ve had a summer full of fun exploration and learning. Keep it up! Look for super-fun, brain-stimulating activities to round out your summer, including visits to the museum, the library, parks and natural areas, restaurants that offer international cuisine, and music festivals.The options are plentiful during the summer months. Have fun!

3- Read every day.
Not only is it a great way to spend time together, but you are building a love of reading when you sit side-by-side and enjoy a good book together. Young children will love the abundance of good picture books available, and older children will enjoy longer “chapter” books. Read a chapter or two together each night and you’ll find that everyone looks forward to that special time each evening when they can continue the adventures on those pages.
4- Set up a comfortable, quiet place for homework.
Even the youngest of students is bringing assignments home from school. Give them a quiet place to call their own where they can routinely work. Whether it’s a corner of the kitchen or a space in the office, designate and decorate a peaceful place for them.

5- Shop for school supplies now.
Beat the crowds and avoid the stress of shopping for needed school supplies at the beginning of the school year. It’ll be a lot easier on you and your budget if you start early, and you’ll probably find early-bird bargains too.
6-Time to get back in touch with pals.
During the summer, your children have probably drifted apart from their classmates so this is a good time to make the effort to set up get-togethers to reconnect. If your child is just starting school, find other children who are the same age and heading towards the same school. The social transition will be so much easier if you do.
7-It’s time to get back into healthy morning routines.
Since your children will have to rise early in the day once school is back in session, now is the time to get them used to rising earlier, dressing and getting a good, healthy breakfast to start their day. When the new year begins, you’ll be able to get out the door and off to school before the bell rings.

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