You’ve seen the “first day of school” photos on Pinterest. They are even more clever than the photos of us that our mom’s took as we headed back after our summer break. “First day of school” photos are great but we thought that it would be really fun to start your own family traditions in addition to the time-honored photo. Below are some ideas we came up with:
Do breakfast up right
Do your children have a special breakfast that they love that normally is reserved for the holidays? Cook them a send-off feast on the first day! Not only will they be heading off to school feeling full and happy, but it just may help ease their jitters by starting their day on a fun, positive note.
Give them the gift of time
If you work outside the home, arrange to take the day off so that you can ease into the day with your children rather than feeling the rush to get everyone out the door, including yourself, and so you can greet them when they return at the end of the day. This will allow you to sit and have a special treat with them and give them the opportunity to talk at leisure about their new teacher, classes and friends.
Present them with a special surprise gift
On the night before that first day, surprise them with that school supply they were yearning for but was more of a wish item rather than a need item. Whether it’s a fancy Trapper-keeper, fun lunchbox, colored pencil set, whatever, wrap it up like a present and let them open it just before bedtime.
Make a schulute cone
What’s a schulute cone? A tradition in Germany, Czech Republic and Austria is to make a large decorated cone constructed from cardboard or heavy stock paper and to fill it with small candies and other trinkets. What fun it will be for the kids to receive one of these special cones on their first day of school!
Plan a lunchtime surprise
Tuck an encouraging note, some stickers or other tiny surprise into your child’s lunchbox. He’ll love finding the small, unexpected treasure.
Plan a welcome home activity
If your child is nervous about heading to back to school, plan an activity that you can do together once he gets home. A trip to a museum, a nature hike, a movie, a trip to the bookstore to pick out a special book, there are many choices. That way, your child will have something to look forward to whenever anxiety kicks in during the day.
Go all out with a new school-year fest
Why not really celebrate with a true party? Perfect for the day or so before that first day back, invite special classmates over for a pizza party, rollerskating adventure, movie night, or cook-out. Decorate the party room or table, take silly photos (include props!), give out cute take-home gifts to pass out as the party winds down. Everyone is sure to enjoy getting back in touch with each other after being apart over the summer break.
No matter which activity you choose, your child is bound to appreciate the extra effort you took to make his return to school a special one and he will remember this special new family tradition!.
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