Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Discussing Goals with your Child's Teacher

IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING EXPERIENCE and progress in school, you'll want to talk to his or her teacher to find out about additional support that is available. You might be a bit nervous about beginning this conversation, but remember that both you and your child's teacher want to see your child succeed. Your child's teacher will likely welcome a meeting with you to look at options. How do you begin? Ask the teacher’s opinion about what areas should be targeted. Express your own views about what you see from the home vantage, and ask if the teacher agrees or has a different view point. Are there difficulties with homework, organizational skills, or communications? Maybe there’s a particular working style or academic subject that is a challenge. Compare notes on what you have observed and find a focus.
Now that you have something specific to work on, set a specific and reasonable goal. Ask what you can do at home to help your child meet this goal, and about actions and resources the school can offer. Are there additional support staff or materials that can help? Finally, set a time-frame for achieving the goal you’ve established together. Once you know the end result, work with the teacher, break down the steps to take and a timetable for completing the steps along the way. Bear in mind that both the final goal as well as the achievable steps along the way should be specific in both nature and the time allotted.

Once your child has achieved success, follow up with the teacher to discuss the next challenge that might be overcome. Success often breeds even more success! On the other hand, if the plan that you and the teacher set up didn’t work, take another look at available options. Ask about other supports and services that can be explored.

Remember, making the teacher an ally in the process will benefit your child greatly, so approach the conversation with the intention of developing a plan and building a team whose goal is to help your child find success.

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