Summer is almost over, but we can still enjoy some happy memories. Let's grab our body boards and beach towels and head to the shore. But wait—before we go, let me just name 6 colors: indigo, magenta, puce, malachite, cyan, chartreuse. Got that? OK.
Now, back to our beach trip. Imagine the sounds of the surf and the calls of seagulls. What a beautiful day! And now envision a beautiful tri-colored beach umbrella.
Alright, now what if I told you that the beach umbrella in the photo below displays 3 of the 6 colors mentioned above—could you tell me their names, left to right, on the umbrella?

Answers next month.
LAST ISSUE'S PUZZLER: Other Worlds of Color
Most humans see the familiar rainbow of colors. But other animals see different worlds of color. What does the world look like to them? There is still more to learn, but scientists have discovered a lot about animal vision.
The following 4-part image shows (in no particular order) how the world looks like to a bird, a shark, a horse, and a dog. Can you guess which is which?

Can you tell which animal sees what?
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Top left: Dogs see mostly drab blue and yellow hues. Luckily, their sense of smell offers a whole world of useful information.
Top right: Birds are believed to see more colors than humans—thus the groovy psychedelic graphic, hinting at what we can only imagine!
Bottom left: Horses have a blind spot straight in front of their head, leading to sideways glances.
Bottom right: Sharks see very little in the way of color, but make with their other senses, including motion detecting.
Now, back to our beach trip. Imagine the sounds of the surf and the calls of seagulls. What a beautiful day! And now envision a beautiful tri-colored beach umbrella.
Alright, now what if I told you that the beach umbrella in the photo below displays 3 of the 6 colors mentioned above—could you tell me their names, left to right, on the umbrella?

Answers next month.
LAST ISSUE'S PUZZLER: Other Worlds of Color
Most humans see the familiar rainbow of colors. But other animals see different worlds of color. What does the world look like to them? There is still more to learn, but scientists have discovered a lot about animal vision.
The following 4-part image shows (in no particular order) how the world looks like to a bird, a shark, a horse, and a dog. Can you guess which is which?

Can you tell which animal sees what?
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Top left: Dogs see mostly drab blue and yellow hues. Luckily, their sense of smell offers a whole world of useful information.
Top right: Birds are believed to see more colors than humans—thus the groovy psychedelic graphic, hinting at what we can only imagine!
Bottom left: Horses have a blind spot straight in front of their head, leading to sideways glances.
Bottom right: Sharks see very little in the way of color, but make with their other senses, including motion detecting.
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