Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Puzzler: An Animated Christmas

Match each of the four images below to a quote from the list. Extra credit: Name the character who spoke the quoted line!

 1. “Say, by the way, can you play ‘Jingle Bells?’”
 2. “Santie Claus, why? Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?”
 3. “Hey Buddy, wanna pick some snowberries?”
 4. “Someday I’d like to be…a dentist.”

Answer next month!


LAST ISSUE'S PUZZLER: The Kingdom of Castles, with ANSWER

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Castles there lived a prince in search of a bride. The prince searched throughout the kingdom. One afternoon, after many hours of seeking hither and yon, the prince spied a fair maid fetching some water from Castle Creek. The prince fell instantly in love.

“Greetings and well met, fair maid!” said the prince, “I am Prince Phillip, future king of all this land. Will you marry me?”

“Nay, bold prince, it cannot be,” said the fair maid, “unless you can answer my riddle. For the man who marries me must be clever beyond compare.”

“Speak your riddle then, beautiful maid, and I will answer it, and you shall be my bride.”

“You are confident, good prince, but we shall see if you are clever. Here is my riddle:

Forty men and forty horses
may not move it one hair.
As large as yonder castle,
yet lighter than air?
What am I?”

The prince proceeded to make 99 guesses but each time the fair maid replied, “Nay, nay, try once more.” Finally the prince smiled a princely smile and said: “I have got it at last, and now you will be my bride!”

The prince gave his final guess and the fair maid smiled and held out her arms and said, “Now I shall be your bride, for you are clever indeed!

What is the answer to the fair maid’s riddle?

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The shadow of a castle.

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