Monday, August 19, 2013

Letter from Betty, from the August Bookmarks Newsletter


Cooler weather and a new school year are upon us! I find myself reaching for my sweater when I leave the house in the morning and spending less time on the deck during the evening hours. Although I will miss the long summer days, I enjoy the structure that the school year offers. School shopping has begun and college students are preparing to say their goodbyes. There is a sense of excitement and energy, as well as the dismay and nervousness in the air as the new school year approaches. 
This time of year is a perfect opportunity to help my students set goals. Everyone sets academic goals, but many students also set goals to improve their athletic skills, their position in the school band or chorus, or as part of a theater production. The most effective strategy to help your children succeed in all their school goals is very simple, though perhaps it's easier said than done: a good night's sleep before every school day! Remember to start the school year morning and nighttime routines at least one week prior to the start of the school year. This way when the year starts, your children will be ready to go!
Please remember to call us at Foundation for Learning for final ACT and SAT Prep!

Best Regards,

Betty Bodenweiser

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